About this area
A CCDRC, I. P. performs functions related to land planning and management, including the development of technical foundations for the formulation and implementation, at the regional level, of land planning policy, urban policy, and nature conservation policy. In addition to promoting the preparation, monitoring, and evaluation of territorial management instruments, ensuring their coordination with the National Program for Land Planning Policy, it is also responsible for providing opinions on land use, occupation, and transformation matters.
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About this area
A CCDRC, I. P. performs functions related to land planning and management, including the development of technical foundations for the formulation and implementation, at the regional level, of land planning policy, urban policy, and nature conservation policy. In addition to promoting the preparation, monitoring, and evaluation of territorial management instruments, ensuring their coordination with the National Program for Land Planning Policy, it is also responsible for providing opinions on land use, occupation, and transformation matters.
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